Thank you for this! I certainly needed this as most recently a situation happened where I was questioned about the scope of health coaching and I was told that anything related to stress management practices was out of my wheelhouse as a health coach. I responded appropriately but this (you) are exactly what I needed to hear! ❤️

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Hi Lisa: What an interesting experience! That’s why I included the quote from Prochaska and Prochaska—so there was a foundation for us showing up in spaces where people might not be used to seeing us. Knowing how interconnected the dimensions of health are, how could we not “go there.” It sounds like you handled it well. Thanks for sharing.

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Meg, thanks for the share! This is timely as I’m coming off of a mental health consult this week that is really sticking with me. While I am very comfortable in this space in person, I found myself less prepared to be there with a virtual client, and someone who I have yet to build rapport with in the same way. Definitely, shined a light on where I can improve as a coach. Thanks for this.

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So true on all those levels. These consults stay with us, and the virtual space can make it feel like we don’t have all the senses available for creating the level of connection we have in person. I’m sure it is a learning curve many of us are navigating as this becomes a new norm. Thanks for sharing, Denise. Always appreciate your perspective.

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